An interesting note on the previous post:

To be honest, even though it was covered by a load of freshly washed towels, Psychopathia Sexualis was actually closer than the book i picked up first, by a couple of feet. But when i realized this and went back and grabbed it, i stopped. I mentioned that it was NSFW - but i don't think that's the real reason. Why did i post about having a book about anarchy but not post about having a book about Psychology - even if it is a book about sexual deviancy and sexual degenerates? I've read both almost cover to cover more than once...

I think it's strange, don't you?

On another note, this little DIY device can literally pull electricity out of thin air! and it doesn't even violate any laws of thermodynamics! I sent it over to Techskeptic, but he hasn't gotten back to me yet. I think he's a busy sort of guy...

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